This is my third edited saved game, if you want either of the other two "Fortress" or "Traitors" let me know and I'll get one or both of them to you. This one is called "Hell's Fortress" (Human vs Orc) when you see the enemy town you will understand why I named it this. The story of this scenerio, for those that care is, One of our clerics were stationed in the forest of elwynn, and has used far seeing to scout ahead so our troops in the field will know what evil we face in this battle for survival of our race. The orcs have been winning the war thus far, but with their victories the orcs are to busy advancing on our poorly defended towns to keep a good defense at their own encampments. You are to build up the settlement in the forest of elwynn and destroy Hell's Fortress. Beware because our scouts have reported an orc army heading torward the settlement. If you are having trouble with this one e-mail me for tips. If anyone beats this one on their first try please e-mail me and tell me how you did it. You can reach me at: , My Warcraft 1 and 2 Page